My very good friend Mysti Brown invited me to spend the weekend with her in Pinetop at the family cabin. I am so looking forward to this, it was nice this week to have the last Doctor appointment of the week done on Tuesday, and to look forward to some non CANCER time.
I am getting better at looking at all the beauty around me, I am usually sweating and swearing the Summer months away. I noticed the beautiful bright yellow flowers on the side of the road the other day and realized that even as darn hot as it is, those flowers need this heat to grow, also my trees in the backyard are green and full of leaves, they too need this heat to grow. I on the other hand I do not need this heat to grow ha ha, so I try to stay inside as much as possible.
Going to the cabin with Mysti is exactly what I need right now. I love the Brown family and they always have a way of making me laugh and forget that I have BC. The cool weather and beauty surrounding the pine trees is always a spiritual experience to me.
A friend of mine brought over this card I love it and wanted to share it
"Cancer is a villain
who doesn't play fair...
but it can't dim your spirit,
and it cannot silence PRAYER"
I am going to refer to the cancer for now on as the VILLAIN, because that is exactly what it is. I am ready to beat the crap out him (notice I refer to it as a him) strange to me, but I never thought of BC being a woman. Looking forward to a relaxing weekend and I am goint to try really hard to not talk or think about the VILLIAN inside of me.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
I love you so much Monya. I am so glad you are getting away with Mysti this weekend and enjoying some down time. I am so grateful I am able to be here with you and spend precious time.
I understand you are away with Mysti & Mary...?! Sounds like you will be very entertained all weekend. Enjoy yourself & don't laugh to much!
Hope you had a great time! You deserve it!
I hope your weekend was fabulous!!! Did you get rain, and freeze like we did here?? :) :)
I had a great time:
its always hysterical with Mary around, maybe a little too much so
Shannon--it was beautiful to get out of the heat
Sara- We did not freeze, it did raid and I loved every minute of it, the thunderstorms in the mountains cant be beat by a monsoon in the valley.
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