those of you who know me well know that the last couple of years has been a struggle for our family. Many tears have fell from my eyes, and my knees are caloused from the prayers that have been given in behalf of our children. Every fast Sunday for the past 3 years have been dedicated to family members. When I attend the Temple names are written down for extra prayers.
My son Blake has really struggled with his testimony, he did not really know if a mission would be the right choice for him. Of course we were sad knowing the blessings that come from serving the Lord on a mission. However we know that force is Satans way and we really wanted that decision to be Blakes. I told him about a year ago that I would know he had changed when I could see a change of heart in him.
The past 6 months that mighty change has come into his life. We have gradually seen him mature and one day he came out of his room and announced he had finished reading the Book Of Mormon. I was so happy for him, and knew that the Lord was touching his heart.
On Thursday, I was at Eric and Blakes softball game when Blake asked me to run to his truck and get his sunflower seeds for him, I went and on the seat sat his mission call, we had no idea that he had turned in his papers. Imagine the over whelming feeling I had when I saw that huge envelope from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I opened it and with tears in my eyes looked out on the softball field and watched as he told his dad, the game stopped they hugged on 2nd base each with tears in their eyes, I knew exactly what Eric was feeling. I wish I could of frozen that moment forever.....prayers are heard and answered.
Blake will be serving in the Dominican Republic Spanish Speaking Mission to report to the Provo MTC September 23rd. This is the perfect mission for Blake he has always wanted to live on an Island, and he wanted to speak spanish sooooo bad.
Although he will be 21 when he leaves he is doing this because "he knows" it is what he should be doing at this time in his life.
We are so happy for him and his decision, it is the right one for him.
I asked him if he was nervous about all of his friends coming home right when he is leaving and he said "NO, this is my time, this is when I am supposed to be serving the Lord."
When Eric and I got home after the game the 1st thing we did was kneel and pray to thank Heavenly Father for this wonderful blessing in Blakes life and our lives as well. Prayers were heard and prayers were answered.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
What a neat way for you to find his mission call! Blake has always been one of my favorites. What a sweet son you have!
WOW. So neat. That is wonderful. He will be an AMAZING missionary -especially with it being his decision & knowing how right it is for him at this time. I'm excited for ALL of you!!!!
I LOVE that story! I'm so happy for Blake, he is such a good kid! He must have good parents. Love you guys and tell Blake I say Congrats and he will be an awesome missionary!
Monya that is so neat! I tell my kids I went them to find their own testimonies all the time. He will be an amazing missionary because he wants to be there not because he feels he has to be. Congrats to Blake and his amazing parents!
That is so great! Very happy for your family. Keep us posted on his progress.
Love it....I have friends who went as couple missionaries to the Dominican Republic and they loved it....Blake is doing it the only way it should be done... he has chosen it for himself. He will be an awesome missionary....and Grandad has a big smile on his face! Love you guys! mm
hey go look at the freakin cute pics of bear we just did on my photoblog....
Monya...I am totally bawling! This is a great story. I am so happy for your family. I know 3 guys that left on their mission when they were 21. One of them was just released from being the bishop in his ward in Utah. It doesn't matter how old he IS his time!
Thanks for posting on my blog, I would LOVE to keep in touch! :)
I love this post. I am so happy for your family and for Blake especially. He sure has awesome parents! :) Good for him, that made my day.
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