My life has been overloaded with heartache and let downs but through it all I know that I am the Luckiest girl. Through those stumbles and falls, I have learned so much about who I am, and what kind of woman I want to be. I'm still learning to adjust to my "NEW LIFE" I cannot deny the physical pain, or the times in my life when I have felt alone in those trials, but I also can never deny the lessons I've learned, and the spirit I have felt, the Lord has answered many of my prayers, not always in a way that I thought they should of been answered, but still I sure am a lucky girl, the luckiest to find some peace of mind and some HOPE in a world that at times has felt overwhelmingly depressing. The last couple of months have been the happiest I have felt in a very long time. There are angels who come into our lives, not by chance, they are put in our lives by our dear Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us to be happy. It's been difficult sometimes at the end of long days, feeling empty and just wanting an angel to take me away from it all, lucky for me that angel happens to be on this earth. She was an answer to more than one prayer, I have felt the arms of that angel around me, on those endless nights when no pain medicine can take it away I have felt comfort in her words, and I thank the Lord for her everyday. I always have wondered if you could have a connection with someone you have never actually met, The answer is YES, heart to heart, and soul to soul we can be touched, I am so glad I was in a position in my life to feel that overwhelming confirmation.
Whenever I have doubts in life, I trust that God is in control, he brought Trystan in my life, he is watching over me and her. Yes, I am the luckiest, there is not much that I actually KNOW without a doubt, but this I know for sure I lived with HIM before I cam to earth, and I knew Trystan before I came to earth, we were "reconnected" (as Kate says) I often think "what good are tests in life, if we already know the answers?" some things in life take FAITH, and whenever I am doubting myself or my situation, I just hold on to the fact that I KNOW ALL prayers are heard and answered. I need to acknowledge more the Tender Mercies of the Lord, sometimes they are so subtle but if I am listening I can see and feel them. Slow down, walk by faith, and listen to the whispers of the spirit, HE WILL BLESS your life.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
You're right, the good Lord doesn't always answer how and when we want Him to, but He always answers. I know He put you and Trys right where you were supposed to be. This is a beautiful thing you wrote here, can't wait for Trys to read it herself. Keep saying those prayers. God bless you! I'm not real good on these machines.
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