Today we decided to see some Cathedrals, there are so many to see. I love that Eric speaks fluent French, it makes it so much easier to get around and find places. He makes me laugh though, everyday when he speaks to people I find him trying to speak in Spanish. I laugh because 1st off he does not speak Spanish .... at all, other than uno, dos tres, hola and a few other words, but in the past couple of days he has substituted simple French words with Spanish. 2nd off when we are at our condo in Mexico he tries to speak to them in French, I'm not quite sure why his brain is not connecting with his speech but it has proven to entertain me several times a day.
So many times when we are on vacation we cannot find a bathroom, not in PARIS these signs are everywhere, so all the people who thought that French people pea in the streets ..... you're wrong ... only the dogs do.
Just before we entered Notre Dame, I was so impressed with the details and beauty of this cathedral. The stained glass and carvings in the ceilings are gorgeous.
Eric wanted his picture taken in front of this confessional .... is he trying to tell me something? I thought he was perfect.. ha ha
I decided out of respect to light one of the candles, I was not quite sure what the significance was but I enjoyed being a part of the Catholic ritual.
It's impossible for these pictures to show the beauty in all the stained glass, and when the sun is shining through it's exquisite
One of the confessionals
Another beautiful cathedral, the architecture and eye for details is unbelievable.
We shopped, and walked and ate and shopped some more .... Eric bought me the cutest coat ... its cold here and I have nothing to keep me warm
....and for my confessional today "Father forgive me for I have sinned" .... I couldn't choose just one !!!!
These are the cross streets of our Hotel.
This has to be the world's largest jar of Nutella.
We walked through the park, all along the way there are these beautiful rows of green trees, and green metal chairs where you can sit and mingle with friends or family. I sat and had a good view of the Eiffel Tower off in the distance, you can't see it but I could. Do you love Eric's baret'? He's so french.
Eric and I went for a stroll in this beautiful park (Tulleres) near our Hotel tonight, he insisted on asking someone to take our picture as we were walking away, he wanted the row of trees to show ...he is so funny and usually loves to pose for pictures the girls call him the "POSER"
We ate Pizza tonight at the restaurant right next door to our hotel, salad, yummy crusty bread, and a caramel like creme brulee' for dessert. It was pretty dang yummy.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
How much fun are you having. WOW. Eat your way down the Champs Elysees one day-you'll love it. Be careful on the pastries-there are surprises inside some.
:) !!!!!!
eric is such a sweetheart! I am SOOOO happy for you guys. You guys seriously are so dang cute together, i love all your pictures together esp the one of you guys walking away!!!
Enough is enough!I just can't take looking at these picture anymore!!!!I think you should of packed me in a trunk and shipped me over there so Eric can give me a private tour and I would like to have to choose a few special treat to eat too!But if anyone deserves a great time you both do!! Love you both
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