Today was my appointment with my most favorite doctor of all time Doctor Peter Kreymerman. First things first, I asked him if anything new and exciting was happening in his life he answered "yes, we are pregnant" at first I thought he asked if I was pregnant, my reaction was "uh, no I'm not" as I patted my belly then I realized he was talking about his wife., ha ha ha. I am so excited for them, they will be having a little baby girl at the end of November. He looked so happy, and I'm sure his wife is cute as can be pregnant. He better be good to her.... ha ha Heather is on vacation this week, we missed seeing her.
Since Mayo is a teaching clinic he had a beautiful young student with him who has been learning from PK since the middle of June. I asked her if he was a good teacher she said he is wonderful to work with..... I knew he would be. PK and Tamy got into some medical jargon about my breasts, some people would think "how embarrassing, or how strange" but it's not I have been so exposed this past year nothing really bothers me in fact I had no idea what the heck they were saying, I say just call it what it is HARD AS ROCK BOOBS. Good thing Tamy knows this stuff, she always explains it to me, still even her explanations are way over my head.
I was telling PK about my anxiety attack I had last night. I was sitting on my bed reading but my thoughts were everywhere. Eric is out of town, its the 1st time he has left me since my diagnosis, and he calls me a lot, but last night I could not control my thoughts and fears and I began to freak out. I was trying to think of ways to control it so I got some nail polish (bright pink) and started painting my fingernails, what? I have never had colored paint on my nails, especially not bright pink... I kinda liked it, ok so back to the attack soon I fell asleep. When I woke up this morning my nails were seriously JACKED UP, I found some remover and took off the polish. I'm not sure if this worked or if it was just really really weird. I love talking to PK because he listens, and I'm quite sure he thinks I'm a little strange, but he always laughs and makes me feel comfortable. I asked PK if he liked my hair and he smiled and politely said "yes, but I liked your long hair better" that made me happy, finally someone who can be honest. I liked my long hair better too. My oncologist, I love too, but I can't joke with him like I do PK, today I was thinking I need to find a way to get Dr. Northfelt to laugh.
We laughed and joked with PK for about 1/2 hour. I told him about some of my experiences I have had since losing my hair, the lady who asked me "did you cut your hair like that on purpose?" or the lady in Walmart who told me my haircut was really bad and gave me the business card of a stylist, and best of all the lady from Subway who hit on me. PK laughed and gave me a big hug, he also said the same thing Eric did "take it as a compliment" After he examined me PK said it all looks good, surgery is in on the schedule for October 12th. I am grateful for Doctor Kreymerman, I wish every VILLAIN patient could experience the compassion, whit and professionalism I have experienced with him. I know going into surgery I am going to be in good hands, Doctor Kreymerman cares for his patients.
After PK I had another appointment to get my PORT flushed, (something I have to do once a month) walking into the Hospital I started to get the panic feeling but Tamy was so good about keeping my mind on other things. I know I can do hard things but it helps to have Tamy with me, she is a gift from Heaven. Thank You Girl.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
YOu are always so positive even when you are scared! YOu are a beautiful women and yes if I were a lesbian and i'm sure your daughter thinks I am because i'm always telling her how hot her mom is, but I think you are so strong and I admire that so much. I love love your blog. I cry most time i read it. I wish I could be that brave. You touch so many lives.
Monya, you crack me up. Glad you are doing well and in good hands.
Thank you so much for talking with me today. I was so surprised to find you right there on "google" while I was looking up Dr Kreymerman. There you were on google four lines down - your Blog. Wow, you are google famous! Anyway, small world again. Thank you! I love You!
Laurel Smaila-Munzer
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