Today I'm asking myself this question "Is it OK to ask another person what religion they are?" I ask this question because today was quite a day for me. I had to go to US AIRWAYS corporate center and have a drug test done. When I arrived at the Clinic they had me fill out some forms and then I waited until the nurse came and escorted me to this room where she asked me to
1st put my purse into a locker before I enter the bathroom,
2ND wash my hands without soap, take the plastic container and go in the bathroom and
3rd DO NOT FLUSH THE TOILET. Confident in myself I went in sat down and tinkled in the cup, when I came out
she said "that is not enough, you need to go out in the waiting room and drink water, when you are ready we will take you back in"
I sat in that waiting room for an hour and a half until
I finally asked "can I just come back tomorrow?" then she said "if you do we will have to write you down as REFUSAL TO TAKE DRUG TEST, then US AIRWAYS can terminate you" so quietly I sat back down and waited for my body to process the water, I drank about 15-20 cups of water and was feeling sick to my stomach not to mention light headed. I then asked if I could go out to my car and get my strawberries and tomatoes I left out there, the answer "NO, you cannot leave the clinic" so I waited, watched the same doctor TV show over and over, I can tell you anything you need to know about diabetes, pesticides on your veggies and fruit and why organic is better, flossing your teeth, and colon cancer. Finally I had to tinkle, in fact I had to tinkle badly and I filled that cup up. ha ha
Ok so after 3 hours at the clinic, I needed to stop by TARGET on my way home, I was looking for my favorite pajamas. While in TARGET Mayo Clinic called to ask me some info about a test I have coming up, she asked me who my oncologist was but I was not sure I heard her right so I repeated "who is my oncologist?" I told her Doctor Norhtfelt, when I got off the phone this girl probably in her early 20's walked up to me and said "excuse me, do you have cancer?" I replied "yes I do" she then said to me "do you need a church to go to?" I politely said to her "no, but thank you for asking" she then said "do you believe in GOD?"
I said " I do" with a puzzled look on her face she said "what religion are you?" I politely said "LDS, some know us as MORMONS"
and what happened next was shocking she immediately covered her mouth with her hands and gasped for air, I said "are you OK?" tears filled her eyes and she said "OMG that is the most awful, least christian church on the earth" seriously? I didn't know what to say, how rude I thought. then she looked at me put her arm around my shoulders as if to lead me out of HELL and said "I am going to save you, I can help you get away from your husband we have shelters you can go to" at this point I am so confused and irritated I told her to please leave me alone and I walked away. I'm still not sure why she asked me about the VILLAIN, the only thing I can think of is that she could use it to start the conversation, or that she thought if I was going through treatments and I didn't have something to believe in that she could help me.
I'm ok with sharing what you believe in, there are missionaries of all religions who go door to door and express what they believe in. This past year I have met some of the most incredible Christians I have ever known, I've had people approach me at Mayo and ask if we can pray together, and right there in the middle of Mayo Clinic we hug, bow our heads and say a prayer. More people than I can think have come up and asked me for my name and if it would be ok if they took my name to their prayer circle, I'm always so touched when that happens. Do I think because we are different religions that those prayers are not being heard by GOD? Absolutely not, just the opposite, some of the most sincere, pure prayers I have ever heard have come from strangers who have faith and love for the same Heavenly Father that I believe in. This is what I think, people are good, most people believe in something, everyone should be true to themselves. I don't ever want to limit my relationships to those who share my same religion, there is so much to learn and so many wonderful people to learn from. We should all be tolerant and respectful to others in life, and in religion. To tell another person that what they believe in is WRONG.. and that you have all the answers more WRONG. If I have ever made someone feel like what they believe in is silly or less important then what I believe in I say "I am sincerely sorry" I felt so awful today, I was personally and spiritually attacked, I never want anyone to ever feel what I felt today.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
Wow. This girl is obviously so immature, ignorant and lacks social graces. Let's all pray for HER.... ha.
I'm with you, there is such beauty in all religions, especially if it brings one a feeling of peace and hope.
I saw a cancer patient today Monya in the Costco parking lot and had the desire to go hug her and give her my best. I think most people MEAN well, even when they act so foolish.
Love you girl.
wow. this makes me want to throw up a little bit. you shouldve maybe punched her or something? i guess that wouldnt be setting a good example though huh?
What a kook!
Wow that is crazy! I totally agree with you that every religion has goodness to it. I think we will be surprised on the other side to find out how loving and compassionate our GOD is to those who truly love and try to emulate him.
I was just thinking that Elder Blake watches for opportunities every day to share the uplifting message of the gospel. This girl is a perfect example of how not to do it!! How nice for missionaries to have an uplifting message to share that can bring peace to all and reassurance that we have a loving Heavenly Father.
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