So I was reading back on some of my posts I wrote about making a bucket list and I came across this one inparticular, written in July of 2010. I wrote in one of the lines that the list may change....I was absolutely correct...
This was written in July of 2010
I was going to call it a bucket list but I was thinkin' that makes it
sound like I think I might die soon, and I don't. So it is going to
just be my 'TO DO" LIST..... things I would like to do before I die
..... someday, they are in no particular order and I realize over the
years it may change but for today in 2010 this is it:
1. Go to Paris With Eric long dream he took the girls a few years ago (daddy daughter trip)✓
2. Take my entire family to Nauvoo and back to the sacred grove
3. Serve a mission
4. Visit Savannah Georgia and eat at Paula Deans restaurant✓
5. Run a Marathon
6. Give more than I have been given (not sure if this is even possible)
7. Write a book (another life long dream)
8. Learn to play tennis (I don't even know the rules)
9. Learn to use my camera on manual
10. Attend the Olympics (anywhere)
11. Live long enough to see Recker Get baptized
12. I have always wanted to go to Tahiti ...i think BORA BORA will do✓
The checks next to each thing means we or I have done it since writing this list. Now it is September 2013 and my perspective is completely different than it was back then. I have come to realize, to do lists and bucket lists are fun and interesting to talk about and do, but are most certainly not the most important in my life, none of us know what our Heavenly Father has in store for us. For me, and this is just my opinion for my life and the experiences I have been through--the very most important things are not necessarily things, they are the people in my life and how I spend my time with them, how I serve and if by chance I get the opportunities to travel I should use each and every moment to enjoy my life, share my knowledge (which really is not much) serve those in need when I can. I really don't think when I die and get to wherever I am going the Lord is going to say to me "well Miss Monya, lets take a look at your bucket list and see what you got done" I believe the conversation will be more like "Sister Monya, have you fulfilled all of your callings to the best of your ability, have you listened to the spirit and served others who needed help, did you care for the sick and the needy, did you love your family, forgive those who have offended you, said sorry to those who you have offended, did you take every opportunity to share the gospel with others, have you kept all of the covenants you made with me in the Temple, and how did you treat and love your husband as he has lead your family in the proper priesthood authority?
Don't get me wrong, I still would like to run a marathon--chances are--I WONT--but it won't keep me from Heaven--my book is this blog--I don't have the time to learn how to use a camera on manual and don't really know if I care anymore--tennis is fun, again won't keep me from heaven. Olympics? really? love to do that, but chances are its a dream--and won't keep me from Heaven--Bora Bora--been there--still not going to heaven because of it.
So do I think lists are good? YES, do I think a bucket list is interesting and fun, YES but not necessary--the most magical trip I ever took was the one I went to Paris with Eric on, nothing will ever beat that--it was all I expected and more--my heart was in a good place at that time, I needed that trip to help me believe in life again--NOW, my priorities and lists are much different.
And just so you know, if I did not work for USAirways we would not be able to do any of these trips we have done, we fly for free and get a tremendous discount on cruises and hotels--I do not take any of those blessings in my life for granted and I am grateful for all of those memories I have created for my children--but sometimes, "things" just don't matter anymore, salvation and being a good person is what I want to attain.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
Thanks for your beautiful insight into your life and your love for it. How much I enjoy reading your blog and hearing your thoughts on certain things. I agree with you how important it is to be kind and loving and forgiving to all those we come in contact with it can and does change the world. I love your pictures too!!
Perfect Monya. Thanks for the perspective.
Love u Monya. This post was so great. You are such an example to me, have been for so many years!
Love and miss you girl!
How great to have a husband and a family who love you so much that would beon my bucket list!! Thanks for sharing yourthoughts.
Love you and Eric ....
Anonymous, I do feel your pain--I am sorry if you do not have family who love you, I too have had to experience that pain and am willing to share with you please feel free to email me if you would like.
xoxo monya
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