Thursday, February 3, 2011

Letter From The DR

This is the latest from my sweet missionary son, I love him and miss him so much it hurts my heart somedays.

well this week has been sweet we have a lot of really cool investigadors i had areally cool and akward moment the other day we had an investigator tell us that he use to asasinate people and kill people, we were at his house and he didnt want to tell it out loud so he leaned over to me really sketchy and told me  ¨i kill people, people pay me to kill people, and i attack people and beat them up and steal everything thy have¨ and he said because he cant get a job and he had a  crazy dream that said he should go talk to this man in a shirt and tie that lives a few streets away (a man he didnt know) so the next morning he saw that man and that man just so happen to be our branch president and then the branch president invited him to church then the next night he had another dream that misisonaries were teaching him and that he wanted to be baptized so he took all of the lessons then before he was going to be baptized some guy had to come and talk to him and then he talked to him and told him everything and they had to send a letter out of the country and then after a few weeks they recieved a letter that said he can be baptized
its crazy cuz thats exactly what has to happen the misison pres has to come interview him then send a letter to Utah to the first presidency and they say wheter he can be baptized or not and thats the sweer experience i had this guy is huge and is a stud he use to kill people in allys and rob them of all that they have and take the money and sell everything else to make money its crazy but this guy went to church and said that he wants to be baptized the 27th of Febuary he also gave us a reference to his haitian friend that also is going to get married this same day
i am loiving this area a lot the branch president and his family are soo sweet they have this little kid named Nephi (well Nefi en español) ha hes a stud but we are working hard here to baptize like 4 people this transfer
its crazy lately because of CARNAVAL the people go nuts over it they told me that the month of Febuary the country wastes like 150,000,000 pesos on alcohol a week its nuts 



Wendi said...

He looks great. What a story, that is crazy. The experiences these boys are having....they will never be the same. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Blake is a cute blend of his parents genes. :-)