Eric drove me to the Mayo Specialty building early this morning, I seriously think they should come up with some type of auto pilot for cars, (maybe they do have it and I don't know about it) just get in and say Mayo Specialty Building and off you would go. Mayo has become my home away from home the past year and a half. I was glad the wait wasn't long especially since I had a cath hanging out of the bottom of my pant leg, the nurse took me right back and did her thing. Then the news came that the masses in my uterus were nothing but non-cancerous tumors, but none the less had to be removed what a miracle being told that 98% sure it was uterine cancer? to non-cancerous turmors, I was banking on that 2% I was praying for a miracle and I knew in my heart we would get it. There was another reason why the Lord had me go through this, I was literally petrified of that reason and again the Lord knows what is best, puts the right people in our paths and takes care of the rest. I hope that one day I will be able to talk freely about what those demons were but for now I want them to rest a bit and let me enjoy this miracle.
Thank You, thank you, thank you I say to all of you in a humble quiet, tears running down my face way, I love you all. I was told that I am still not cancer-free, but I am Uterine Cancer Free because I don't have one. The Lord Loves Me, and kneeling in humble prayer I say thank you. Miracles do Happen.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
Monya, You have faith, and faith means trust and you are turning to the Lord for blessings of comfort and healing. I can only imagine the prayers that are given for you, the words of your blessings and the true Spirit of the Lord that is with them. I hope you can feel each prayer and the love everyone has for you. Monya, You have been the miracle. I can only imagine the lives that have been changed by your loving example.
This is relief beyond relief! Miracles happen everyday and you were due. So glad to hear this good news Monya.
I am so blessed and encouraged to read of your miracle!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow ~ thank you Lord for answers to our prayers.
It reminds me that just when our faith is being pushed and pushed and the trials seems to never end, then we are FINALLY blessed. You are such an example of faith and endurance. You have showed Heavenly Father that you can endure to the end! I am so happy for this amazing news!
Dear Monya,
I am so glad to hear of this good news!! Your hyster was much the same as mine. I had my 'emtional' reasons for wanting to not let it go as well. Ones I won't share. If you NEVER come to a point of sharing that is 'OK'. There are times when things can be left to ourselves. Enjoy this break in the clouds.
Oh HURRAY! I've been thinking about you so much. I'm so happy for you for good news & miracles :).
How special of a day this is for you. Prayers, blessings and miracles. Thank you for sharing all of those with us!
Tender Mercies, gotta love em :)
You are still in our prayers, they are thankful ones for sure.
Good news!
There are people you've never even met who need for you to stick around.
jeremy and i cried last night in relief when i told him. we love you and i think the lord knows that we all need you to stick around A LOT longer. i can not imagine life without my beautiful talented amazing mom. I love you.
What wonderful news! Thanks for letting us all take part in your journey and learn from you. Love ya!
Monya, you are truly an incredible person with a tremendous amount of faith. I am so so happy about this...I don't think there's ever been a time I've read your blog and not felt the Spirit or had tears in my eyes. Praying for you!
Love you lots -
Ohhh my goodness. Happy New Year!!!!! Love you.
I'm so happy that you got your miracle. Your faith is strong and there are so many people praying for you. Happy Birthday! So many of us take birthdays for granted. But a birthday is truly something to be celebrated after all you've been through this last year and a half. Love you!
Miracle do happen- to those who believe. Written on my wall;) ANd so evident today! Oh how i love your steadfast faith and determination to not stop until its gone! XOXO
Just wanted to say "Happy Birthday" on this Joyous occasion!!!
Monya, I was so happy to read of your miracle. You deserve it babe! The faith that you have is so awesome. My prayers are still with you and that the rest of this villian will leave your body soon. I love you Mon and I pray for you daily !
Thanks for being a true example to me.
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