It's 3:18 in the morning, I cannot sleep so I am going to try and post. The blessings that come to a family when they have a son serving on a mission are incredible, In some ways I feel like he has been blessed even more than we have. He has learned to rely on the Lord for his comfort and strength. This is a huge step for him, he has struggled in the past with reliance on anyone and questioned his faith in life and in the Lord. As his mission continues we see great stride in his commitment and sacrifice to the service he is doing. He had a baptism last Saturday, they baptized Wellington a 17 year old boy, Blake loves him. It's amazing how close he gets to all the people he works with, the Lord is truly blessing him and watching over him. Elder Smith was transferred yesterday, Blake is now the senior companion and will be speaking only Spanish for at least the next 6 weeks since his companion speaks no english. These are a few of the pictures he sent yesterday:
Elder Smith and Elder Blake
Elder Williams with some local children (I think)
Elder Smith, Wellington and Elder Williams
The day of Wellington's baptism: Ernesto and Nuirka on the left (he is teaching them right now) some of the ward members showed up and the Branch President, Elder Smith, and Elder Williams
Blake being Blake with that creepy look he used to give his sisters to freak them out
The Baptismal Font notice it is outside
This is Olga's Family (she cooks all their food)
The Church Building in Constanza
Delfi, Elder Williams and Wellington
A new life part 1
5 years ago
These boys amaze me. In the conditions that they live in and the weather that they suffer through every day and they do it with a smile because this is their calling. He looks wonderful and happy and it is so amazing the blessings that come our way because they are serving so faithfully. I am glad to see that he is doing so great, he is always in our prayers. And so are you.....
Blake looks like he is so happy! I bet you guys miss him so much! Sorry We didn;t let you know about Archer's blessing we decided to do it in AZ on such short notice and we were only in town for two days for the blessing and had to get back for Colby to get back to classes. We were not sure who would be able to come on short notice or who would be in town. Only 4 more weeks till we move home YAY! and I cant wait to come by to see you guys!!
So excited to see some pictures of Blake and the people he teaches and works with.....did you mean that they have a cook? If that is true LUCKY them!!!
Enjoy the blessings ....this is a special time...He LOOKS GREAT!!!
love you all, mm
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