Tina was my nurse today
3rd round of chemo
Today has been an overwhelming day, I got home from the delivery of my 1st grandchild around 1:30 took my meds and could not fall asleep until after 3:30 I think the last time I looked at the clock it was 3:36 am. I was up at 7:36 am took a shower and again was frustrated with what to wear. I have no hair so it should take me like 15 minutes including a shower to get ready (you would think) but sometimes I sit in my closet and just cry because I get dressed and realize I have no hats or scarves that will match over an hour later I come out with something, today I did not have time for that so I was even more frustrated and crying, I needed to leave by 8 am for my third round of chemo. I made it to my chemo appointment about 20 minutes late today, but no worries they are so relaxed and it all worked out. During my chemo treatment we started up a conversation with the folks sitting in the chemo suite next to me, they were an older couple. The wife came over and asked me what type of VILLAIN I had and commented about how young I am and that she will be praying for me, her husband has lung VILLAIN. It was a great distraction to talk to them they are from Casa Grande and have lived on their ranch for over 60 years, Tamy knew alot of the same people they knew.
Tonight I am nauseated and my breasts are still aching, I had my expansion 2 days later in the week last week and I am still feeling the pain from it, again having a hard time sleeping tonight. It's hard for me to complain the Lord has been so good to us blessing us with a Son on a Mission, a daughter married to the love of her life, and another daughter and totally awesome son in law, and to top it off a new grandson. Whew...I think I have experienced just about every emotion from one extreme to the next the last few months. I pray constantly for strength and help from the Lord to build me up and help me to endure. I feel the spirit so close to me most of the time, I get very emotional when I think about the hand of the Lord in our lives as I continually am fighting literally for my life. I have never worked so hard to have the spirit with me, sometimes I think the adversary wants me to listen to him, wants me to complain, be unhappy with my life and ask WHY ME? Those are the times I know I need to get on my knees once again and thank the Lord for my life, for my family and friends who continually are wanting to help, I feel bad when people ask and there is nothing they can do, this is a fight only I can endure and I am the one who has to reach up and ask for help from the Lord when no-one else can emotionally or spiritually help. In Deuteronomy 4:30 I read "When thou art in tribulation, turn to the Lord thy God...." and in John 16:33 "In the world ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer..." and John 16:20 "Your sorrow shall be turned to joy...." and my favorite of all of them -Romans 5:3 "We glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulations worketh patience"
I looked up a bunch of scriptures about tribulations in our lives, we all have them, some seem harder than others, but I do not believe that, I think we need to OWN our trials no matter what they are, finances, health, lost of a loved one, a child who has gone astray, a spouse who may not believe in the same things we believe in, a woman who cannot have her own child, divorce, abuse, addiction, I can go on and on, the point is when we OWN it we learn from it, and when we learn from it we become a stronger person. There is no time frame for what and when we learn, we are on the Lords time frame, we are sent to earth to learn and when we become unaware of HIS constant love for us, that is a tragedy because I know he looks down on each of us and cries along with us, we cannot comprehend HIS love for us, it is un-conditional much like the Love we feel for our own children, and don't we cry when we see them in pain? So tonight, as I listen to the spirit telling me to ask for help from the Lord for sleep, I know the Lord is looking down on MONYA and saying "I am so sorry for your pain, and I will lighten your burden when I can"
A new life part 1
5 years ago
Congratulations Grandma......
Isn't satan so tricky, how he puts those subtle negatives thoughts in our minds? If we listen to those thoughts we soon begin to believe them. Our thoughts and attitudes are so powerful! You still constantly amaze me with your strength. Your trials are blessing other peoples lives, including mine. You are wise and a great example of someone who is using the right source to endure to the end. I admire you! xoxo
I need your address. Will you e mail it to me?
You are so amazing I am totally going to OWN My trials from now on instead of trying to avoid them like the plague. Thanks for the info about mailing packages. Jordan doesn't leave until January 27th, so it will be a while before I need to send him packages, but I will definately keep it in mind. I really really appreciate it, I really do. We are going in for the big mission shots today, and Jordan is not a very happy camper about the shot deal, but such is life. Keep up the good fight and we will keep you in our prayers for sure. I have you on a running prayer roll tab at the Temple....I love prayers. Enjoy that baby
You are quite an amazing person. everytime I read your blog you inspire me to get on my knees and thank the Lord for my life and all that it is. Good and bad. You are always in my prayers and thoughts. What a great cousin to have.
AMEN to that my sweet cousin...love you, mm
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