The past 2 days has been so nice to be home and spend with my family and close friends. I watched conference and was so touched by alot of the talks given. Yesterday I was listening to Elder Bednar's talk and became deeply emotional and touched. We have always been a family that expresses our love for eachother, my children love eachother and are best friends. Blake has always told his sisters everyday at least once a day that he loves them, and they with him. Eric and I have always told our children probably too much everyday how much we love them. Never a phone call ends or someone walks out the door without expressions of love being announced. I was grateful while listening to the talk that we have always been so free with our expressions to eachother. However, when he started talking about expressing our testimonies I wondered if I did that enough? Do they know how much I love the gospel? I wondered if my children saw me read my scriptures enough? I like to study when no one is home. We tried to always kneel for family prayer, and have morning scripture study but I'm afraid we fell short sometimes. Do they know that I kneel and pray morning and night, I have a strong testimony of prayer and know that Heavenly Father answers I have truly seen miracles happen in my family because of prayer so I think that they know. I immediately wrote a letter to Blake and let him know how much I love him. I hope he can feel the blessings that are pouring into our home because of his service. I love that I can watch conference and at the same time twice a year I know my missionary son is doing the same thing at the same time, how great is that?
Have you ever been so deep in a dream that when you wake up it kinda is sad, because you wish it were real? I did that this morning, I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep so badly. I was dreaming about a time when all my children were little, we were at the park feeding the ducks. Kayla was so cute and little in her pigtails and overalls, she was holding Kaitlyn's hand, of course Kaitlyn's hair was white and all over the place but she was so happy. I was holding Haleigh on my lap, and she and I were throwing bread pieces to the birds. Blake came running up to me and said "mom, when I go on a mission someday I want to go to Disneyland!" I laughed and said "you want a Disney mission huh?" he gave me his little boy grin and as he walked off into the sunset he was grown wearing his missionary suit, saying goodbye to me in spanish. When I woke up with tears in my eyes I thanked Heavenly Father 1st for letting me have this incredible dream and 2nd for the Miracle of Families, and that I know through this gospel of Jesus Christ we will be a family forever.
Tomorrow I am off to the Mayo Clinic for round 2, and it makes me sick right now to think of it. Please if anyone is reading this and you believe in the power of prayer, pray for my son as a missionary that he will be comforted and blessed during this time.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
We love you and will be praying for your well being. I wrote you on your FB, but wanted to tell you that having a port put in was one of the best things that every happened to my mom. No more poking and prodding. It was a blessing sent from heaven. Take special care. We put your name on the prayer roll when we went to the temple.
I love you mom, more than you will ever know!! ill see you tomorrow after your second surgery. You are my hero!
Oh Monya - good luck with your 2nd surgery! Your dream made me cry. I hope I am enjoying my little kids as much as I should be. Time is going so fast and before I know it- they will all be grown like yours! My thoughts and prayers are continually with you and your family! Good luck!
I think of you a lot and get all emotional when I read your entires. Please know that I think of you all day and every day. I want to give you your space to heal then I want to spend some good quality time doing girl things with you. Luv ya
Steve and I are both praying for have done a great job with your family...and you have more to stay with it pretty lady....the best is yet to come!
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