Every LDS mother who has a son, will have this to look forward to, or has already felt what I am about to journal about. From the time our son's are born we hold them in our arms and dream of the day when they will serve a mission for the Lord. Well I did anyway, we teach them all about the Book of Mormon by reading from it regularly, we take them to church every Sunday and teach them to be reverent, the 1st time they give a talk in Primary we watch intently hoping they will not cry or laugh in the microphone, so proud was I when Blake became a deacon at age 12, I worried that he would never physically grow (he was the shortest deacon for years)
And when he received his Eagle Scout award his dad and I were there to support him. When Blake turned 16 I was the one to take him for his drivers license, and the 1st date we watched as he left the house and worried that he would make good choices, be respectful and get home on time.
Still all the time we had family prayer together and tried hard to always have our scripture study. There were a few years that we did not think we were asking the right questions or listening enough when we prayed, for us the age of 19 came and went for Blake. The day he told us that he was not sure he wanted to serve a mission, just about broke my heart. I prayed and asked why? When those answers did not come, I prayed that HE would understand why? Two years have passed since that day when he told us that he did not want to go on a mission, and since that time Eric and I have had many tears fall from our eyes, many times I have sat at the Temple pleading with the Lord to soften his heart, and to help me to know how to help my son. The Lord truly does listen and answer prayers, I have taken for granted the GIFT that is given to us after baptism, THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. It is a powerful GIFT that sometimes I did not listen to, that sometimes I still don't always listen to, I'm learning, just as my Son is learning. Yesterday, I dropped him off (curbside) at the MTC in Provo. I had promised him I would not cry, and I did so well, until......he walked away, I saw my little boy walk into the MTC just like I had dreamed all those years ago, however this dream I finally realized had to be HIS not mine. I cried all the way back to Salt Lake City, sobbing, not really for any other reason but that I had seen a miracle happen in his life, I felt the Holy Ghost and knew it was touching him also. I told him the night he was set apart as a full time Missionary that the Lord will take much better care of him the next 2 years than I ever could. So.....my son leaves for his mission at age 21 still my little boy, but will come home a man, with more faith than he ever thought he could have.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
Steve calls missions "The Mormon Army." He says you send them out as boys and they come home men. It is the truth. It is a wonderful, tearful, proud moment..in the future you will still be filled at times with fear...but you know you're right...Heavenly Father will take care of Blake...and we have to learn to trust and to turn our sons over to Him.
I was by myself. Steve and Katie put Jess and I on the plane...and off we went. I took Jess to the MTC and promised I wouldn't cry...I kept that promise....and then I went straight to the Mt. Tempenoga Temple...where I turned my son over to the Lord and the Lord took away my fears and gave me peace.
We love our sons, we love the Lord...and we are strengthened through our sacrafice.
I love you and Eric! My heart is full!
That is so great!! Looks like you flew there in style too!! Exciting times!
Monya - I am so touched by this sweet story. Miracles do happen and people can change through the Atonement. You are a faithful mother. I am so excited for you & Eric. You must feel so blessed. Hope all is well with you.
I didn't go to the MTC when Spencer left for his mission. You know how I feel about flying, but I also thought I might melt into a pile of chocolate from the emotional pain I was feeling. We want them to serve a mission because they want to, not because we think they should. Hope all is well with him and you are coping also. Louve you.
Just wanted to give you best. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
The day you drop them off at the MTC is the happiest and saddest day of your life somehow. You will love being a missionary mom! I miss it sometimes now that my boys are home. You'll find yourself planning your life around his email day. And I guarantee you'll read his first letter at least 20 times!
Him leaving on a mission was probably the hardest thing ever but the blessings you will receive will be amazing. I know it is such a happy sad time. Hang in there!
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