It's so weird how life goes on around me, people can be talking to me and I don't hear a word they say sometimes. I look in the eyes of woman as they pass me in crowded places like Walmart or the Mall, and I wonder how many of these women have the VILLAIN growing in them. Random thoughts like this one go through my head and I have to stop myself and think about all the people who are going through other trials in their lives that are so much worse than mine. Today I was thinking about other trials I have had to endure in my life, what did I learn from them? Is this new trial because I did not learn something? or is it a new chapter in my life, a new learning experience meant to expand my mind and widen my strength in the Lord? I do know that trying to comprehend why trials are put in our path, is like trying to fully understand the undying, unconditional Love our Heavenly Father has for each one of his children. I have tried many times to understand that Love, the only thing that comes close is knowing the Love that I have for my own children, I would do anything for their happiness to be never ending. However, in life we are all given bumps along the way that take us in paths that make us question what we really do KNOW. A quote by Elder Neal Maxwell "Rather than simply passing through trials, we must allow trials to pass through us in ways that sanctify us." I read this and have been trying to comprehend the meaning of it for days now. It's simply put, yet it has such depth and my little brain takes awhile to absorb it, and process it all.
How can I be sanctified as I allow this trial to pass through me? When will the cleansing come? I know how I react to trials, when I have gone through other trials I tend to leave people out, shut down, my brain can only hold what I need to process, not what anyone else thinks I need to know. I don't want to be that person, I want to endure this trial well, with dignity and strength. I find myself not always listening to the promptings of the spirit, because I am afraid of the path it is going to take me down. I am trying so hard to listen and learn, but fall short so many times in my efforts. I am learning that the Love that Jesus has for each one of his children is astonishing. I am learning more of his meekness and lowliness, as I read about the suffering he went through, being spit on, given vinegar to drink, persecuted and made fun of, I have come to the conclusion that it is selfish for us to think that we could go through this life without any trials or pain and then expect to stand before him and live with him forever without going through similar experiences.
A new life part 1
5 years ago
Monya, you couldnt have worded any of that more beautiful. I know that your strength and DIGNITY has already touched others lives. I am proud of you. I feel like I have so many tests and trials right now in my life. I wake up sometimes and can't believe I am 41 and in this position. I draw on my faith, the love I know my heavenly father loves me and is so aware of me. I think of YOU. I think of your pain and how you must feel. I know without a doubt that it is our job to let these trials "pass through us". I think you are amazing Monya. You are example to so many. If you can deal with this so strong and faithful then of course I can deal with my minimal stuff. Of course I can! I love you Moaners.
Oh, that was me...Jenster :)
Amazing post! I think you are at a point in your life where you are strong and have endured other trials well which will help you get through this trial. You are such a great example to so many. I think it okay to have good days, bad days, ups and downs it is all part of what we go through. I just recently listened to Elder Eyrings talk on Adversity from last conference. Listen to it! It gives me such hope and desire to keep plugging along. You are amazing! I think and pray for you often!
Thank you for your words of wisdom. You have always been a stong person, full of faith, and ready to share your spiritual strength with those you teach, love, and associate with. Anyone who's ever met you can testify to that truth.
My heart aches for you and what you are going through. I appreciate your thoughts on trials. I have often had some of the same thoughts with my own trials in life, 'what am I to learn', 'what strengths does the Lord want me to possess?', 'Am I learning what I need to?' One thing that comes to my mind over and over is that I am not alone. The Savior experienced it all. He's there to carry me when I can no longer stand.
Thank you for those insights. You are a wonderful person Monya and you are so loved.
Hi Monya. Your thoughts are beautifully written. I haven't had a chance to visit with you very much but I want to let you know that you are in our prayers and thoughts. Josh has been concerned about his "Ma". You are special to him. We are just around the corner if ever we can help your family, we would love to. Thank you for sharing your blog.
you are too wonderful for words monya!
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