The last 2 nights have been the most uncomfortable and painful nights of my life. My legs, back, arms and feet are throbbing, I feel like I can't get any relief. I have taken all the drugs prescribed to me and still nothing seems to help. My bones and muscles are in so much pain, it's difficult to describe. Have you ever over exercised your muscles and the next day they ache? I have too, but this is much worse. Eric held me in the fetal position and listened to me cry while telling him I don't want to do this anymore, I wish it was over, I said it so much he did not know how to respond, he rubbed my legs until I fell asleep. Thank goodness for him and Haleigh, they both rubbed and held me not knowing what to say. I love you
A new life part 1
5 years ago
I'm so very sorry and sad to hear this. I wish there was something I could do. Love you.
Monya. This makes me so sad. I love you so much. I really wish there was a way I could instantly take this VILLIAN from you. Your in my prayers and thoughts everyday!
It is Cheryl Harrold here. I am on my daughter's blog Jena Morris, I just found out you have cancer. I love you soooooo much. I have cancer, too. I had cancer of my thyroid and throat. I had surgery 2 years ago and did radiation therapy, I know what you mean, I was sooooo sick I puked for a year and a half I did not have the radiation where it burns you, I had the kind you swallow and they gave me several whopping doses in 6 months intervals and I lost over 60 lbs, I always wanted to be way thin but not sick thin! I believe I was in bed for over a year and a half, I missed a lot-babies were born to my daughters and son and I could not even be around them because of the radiation and could not hold them. Sometimes it was almost a cruel joke I would think to my self. You know Monya, I have been keeping up with many people from the Islands that have cancer or are having terrible symptoms of strange diseases, there is me, Brother Bloomfield, Sister Madsen, Grady Brown and Brother Chapel all have thyroid cancer, Kathy Bartholomew has thyroid cancer and now ovarian cancer, Karen Jones's husband has Lou Gehrig's disease. My best Friend that lived just down the street from me in the Islands had breast cancer, and now has lung and thyroid cancer. Cheryl Mallory still has health problems that are undiagnosed, last I heard, I am not sure if her problems have been resolved. Brother Gary West also has undiagnosed health problems last I heard and I know that many other people in our neighborhood had major problems because My kids friends and their parents are sick and coming down with different diseases. I have been trying to keep up on it, especially for my children sake. On a more positive note, keep a gratitude journal, I kept it by my bed and wrote in it every day and after a year or so I had pages and pages of things I was grateful for. It will help keep your spirit high if you do it, I promise. I read and read Dr. Wayne Dryers motivational books they kept me going the little books not the big thick ones, because it was hard for me to concentrate for long periods of time. Well I do not want to wear you out, tell Eric hi,from the Harrolds and stay strong. You can call me anytime 602-697-5151. All my love, (Me) Cheryl, your C buddy
I'm sorry about all that you are going through. It's hard not living closer to you guys. I wish there was more we could do.
Saturday Natalie had a gymnastics meet. All the proceeds went to Breast Cancer research. All the medals were pink and everything was decorated in pink. It was really cool. Check out my videos on my FB and you can see her 3 hour meet in less than 3 minutes.
Know that we love you and pray for your!
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