Friday Eric and I went to Mayo Clinic as a follow up to the MRI I had on Tuesday. They wanted me to have a Ultra Sound because of something they found on the MRI.
The Ultra Sound concluded the same result the MRI technician concluded with, I have another lump in the right breast, and one in the left breast that they are concerned about. This news was really hard to hear. When Eric and I left we got to the car and I was trying so hard to hold in the tears and not be a big baby, however I looked over at Eric and he was crying so here it is both of us crying, the first break down and we were able to share it together. I love him so much, and I told him I just feel so bad for him, I dont want him to have to go through this. I told him I am sorry, I never thought this would ever be something we would experience. He looked at me and said that he will be with me every step of the way, he will hold my hand through the good and the bad, we will get through this together.
When I got home to my wonderful surprise there was a gift on the table from a friend in our ward, Dena Weech, she too is a cancer survivor and knows the feelings I am experiencing. The gift she brought to me could not of come at a better time, I needed to hear it. It is a framed quote that she said someone had given her when she was going through her cancer experience. Thank you Dena for sharing this with me This is what it said:
What Cancer Cannot Do:
Cancer is so limited....yet in all these things
It Cannot cripple love it cannot alter hope
we are more than conquerors through him who loves us
It cannot corrode faith, it cannot destroy peace....
For I am persuaded that neither death or life
It cannot kill friendship, it cannot suppress memories...
Nor principalities nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height depth
It cannot silence courage, it cannot invade the soul...
Nor any created things, shall be able to separate us from the love of God
In cannot steal eternal life, it cannot conquer the spirit...
Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord romans 8:37-39
A new life part 1
5 years ago
What a great gift for you. I know you have alot of support and prayers right now. just stay strong.
Stay strong Monya!!
Your post today brought tears to my eyes! Very touching!
I miss you and Eric! Tell him Hi for me please!
thanks Amy I love to see the comments that people leave me, they mean alot to me and help me
tawny- I love that you always leave me a little note you are so sweet, and when stuff life this happens, you figure out what is really important in life.
Oh man... that quote is awesome. It was great to visit with you last night. You are an amazing person with so much strength. I admire you for the way you are handling yourself. You will bless others by your example.
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